Sandy Senior Center
The Sandy Senior Center is located at 9310 South 1300 East in Sandy, Utah. Open to all seniors age 60 and up, and spouses of seniors 60 or above. Open Monday through Frida y, 7 am to 4 pm. The 1st. & 3rd. Thursday each month we are open 7:00 am to 9 pm. The center provides a noon meal for a $3.00 donation. Transportation for those in the Sandy area that are not able to reach the center on their own is available.
The center with help from numerous volunteers makes available over 100 different activities per month. They include exercise, dances, social events, and classes on every thing from Computers to Watercolor. There is no charge to visit and participate in the activities. Some activities may ask for a donation to cover cost of the materials.
Click on one of the buttons to the left to see the current activities or find out more about the Sandy Senior Center.
For more information phone 801-561-3265.